Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Swingin' Around

Hope everyone had a good week last week! Ours was pretty uneventful until the weekend. Addy had Physical Therapy again and did really well. Her physical therapist noticed some tone in her hamstrings so our new task is to start working on her hamstrings every diaper change to get them to loosen up a bit. Muscle tone is very common in premature babies however if the tone does not resolve - it can be later found to be the early signs of Cerebral Palsy. It's definitely important that we keep her active which we are trying our best to do.

Addy's weekend was pretty fun-filled! We took our first trip to Janesville. We went up on Friday night and checked into a hotel with Granny Nan. We then went to the 4-H Fair. Addy LOVED it. She was checking out all of the lights on the rides and listening to the music. We bumped into some old friends which was pretty cool. We were there a little over two hours and Addy was bright eyed the whole time.

Saturday we got up early and got Addy ready. We went to go see Great Aunt Hubbie, Great Uncle Wayne and Great Uncle Terry. Addy had a great time cuddling up with Great Aunt Hubbie. Afterwards, we went to Great Grandma's apartment for our belated baby shower that my Dad and Jill threw for us. We had such an awesome time. We had lots of good food, opened lots of gifts and spent time with lots of great family. Addy really took a liking to her Great Aunt Joan. She was smiling up a storm for her. Grandma and Grandpa gave Addy a swing. I put it together when we got home and swung away for a good 40 minutes. She fell asleep in it!

Today we did some errand running. I think that's Addy's favorite as she gets to be walked around in the Baby Bjorn.

Tomorrow Addy has her appointment with Dr. Yoon (Opthamologist) and Dr. Lestrud (Pulmonologist). Keep your fingers crossed that everything is heading in the right direction!

Next weekend will be Addy's first weekend 'away.' We are going to Wisconsin Dells!

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